2nd Hellenic Maritime Forum is a physical event that will take place in Athens on February 22nd and 23rd, 2022.
A two day high level event that will gather maritime industry decision makers from various segments ranging from shipowners; ship managers; ship builders; ship yards; ports; service providers and technology companies to regulators, governments bodies, associations; classification societies and others.
Structured in the most effective way possible, the event will have a conference and an exhibition area. This format will allow to learn the latest updates and trends in the industry as well it will ensure the opportunity to meet the relevant decision makers.
Organized by the well known maritime networking expert – IGGS Group – the long awaited 2nd Hellenic Maritime Forum is definitely an event not to be missed by anyone who is conducting maritime business in the Hellenic region and beyond.
- Regulations and goals: TODAY / 2030 / 2050
- Cybership: improve vessels with the latest technology
- Smart, efficient, advanced and compliant ship
- Maritime sector in the Hellenic region
- Ship design / build / retrofit / repair